Our professional alliances are extremely valuable. As a long-time business owner and consultant, I can facilitate introductions through strategic referrals to address your financial and operational objectives.
Here are some examples of how we could be of service to you:
1. Global access to one million to one billion U.S. dollars from non-recourse loans using only publicly traded securities as collateral.
2. We align with high-net-worth individual clients and institutions, firms, and governments seeking to expand their capabilities and customized financial solutions introduced through access to the wide range of wealth management services at Oppenheimer & Co, Inc. and Oppenheimer Asset Management Inc. and select professional (member) firms located throughout the world.
3. I work with public sector officials in Washington State, municipalities, school districts, and nonprofit organizations to redefine payment interactions with recipients and drive faster, more secure digital transactions. American business clients can also focus on developing new and flexible technologies to turbocharge existing legacy systems in how and when recipients get paid. Qualified employers of 250+ people can provide Financial Wellness Benefits for employees and 1099 contractors, which also helps attract and retain workers.
4. Claim access to your share of over two trillion U.S. dollars in federal tax relief and specialized tax incentives.
5. Professional relationships with executives and financial officers of healthcare organizations throughout the United States, generating $30M+ in gross revenue, delivering no-cost consultations and services to increase access to working capital, strengthening supplier relationships, and reducing the risk of payment fraud.
6. Ask for Free RX, Discount Healthcare, North American Shipping Solutions, and more ways to save.